110 results for author: owners@nswroa.com.au

Pictorial Guide to Racing’s Night of Champions

Article with photos from the fabulous evening. 181000-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

Winx Takes the Crown

Article on winners of each category at Racing's Night of Champions 180900-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

Winx Takes the Crown at 2018 Racing’s Night of Champions

180816-NSWROA-Media-Release-re-RNOC-2018-award-winnersDownload Read More

Auction Items on Display

Article on auction items being offered at Racing's Night of hampions 180800-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

Nominations Announced for 2018 Racing’s Night of Champions

180726-NSWROA-Media-Release-re-RNOC-2018-award-nominationsDownload Read More

Celebrating the Best in our State

Article on the upcoming Racing's Night of Champions 180700-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

NSWROA Farewells the Autumn Carnival

Article on our annual Autumn Carnival function on All Aged Stakes Day 180600-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

It’s Carnival Time – Let’s Socialise!

Article on NSWROA's Autumn Carnival Event 180400-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

Enthusiasm & Passion Takes You Places!

Article on International Animal Health Products Founder, Chris Lawlor. 180300-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More

Holding All the ‘Aces’

John Cordina's success as a breeder and owner continues with Ace High. 180100-NSWROA-Column-Racing-NSW-MagazineDownload Read More